+44(0)7771 788 924

System Technician
Covering System Design and Implementation of large format line array systems from the leading brands in a variety of environments.
Whether a bespoke system or installation of any scale or tuning/augmenting an existing system there is a skill set to suit. Often including the management of projects and running teams of crew to reach our goal.
With the ability to adapt across arenas, concert venues, festivals, theatres, clubs etc. to create a consistent, repeatable listening environment for engineer and audience alike.
June 2024
Download Festival
- Apex Stage
Lead System Designer
Looking after the main stage of the well established metal festival, deploying a large scale L'Acoustics system and targeting off site noise issues.
-L-Acoustics K1/K2 [Solotech]
Sept-Nov 2023
Lead System Designer
UK and Europe leg of the "Rebel With A Cello" tour. Designing and deploying large scale arena systems across Europe.
-L-Acoustics K1/K2 [Solotech]
Sept-Oct 2021
Manic Street Preachers
System Technician
Solo system technician of a flexible KARAII rig providing consistency in a variaty of mid sixed venues.
-L-Acoustics KARA [Solotech]
Aug 2021
Aug 2018
Aug 2017
Victorious Festival
- Common Stage
System Designer & Audio Crew Boss
Heavily involved with the main stage of the festival, battling severe weather coniditions and noise considerations to deliver high quality audio to 65,000+ audience members
-L-Acoustics K1/K2 [BCS Audio]
-d&b GSL/KSL/J [BCS Audio]
Jan-Feb 2019
The Streets
System Technician
Designing and tuning systems on the UK leg across a variety of Academy venues.
-L-Acoustics K2/KARA [BCS Audio]
Sept-Oct 2017
John Legend
Lead System Designer
UK and Europe leg of the "Darkness and Light" tour. Leading a team of System technicians providing large scale systems across arenas and large venues.
-L-Acoustics K1/K2 [BCS Audio]
Aug 2018
Aug 2017
Aug 2016
Aug 2015
Boomtown Fair - Lions Den
System Designer, Project Manager & Audio Crew Boss
Running the audio project for the largest band stage of the festival for a series of years whilst developing to meet increased capacity and requirements.
-L-Acoustics K1/K2 [BCS Audio]
June 2019
June 2018
Junction 2 Festival
Lead System Designer & Audio Crew Boss
Leading a team of technicians to deploy a series of L-Acoustics systems across 5 stages.
-L-Acoustics K2/KARA [BCS Audio]
April-March 2018
Sheridan Smith
System Designer/Technician
Solo system on a UK wide theatre tour, culminating in the Royal Albert Hall, UK
-Meyer Leopard/Leo [Maj.Tom]
July 2018
Little Mix
System Technician
Working as part of a team to fly PA on various stadium shows throughout the UK whilst also tuning a show to cover absence.
-Meyer Leo/Milo [Maj.Tom]