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Bassic Instinct

  Freelance Audio Engineering 

  By Thomas Woolsey


Providing worldwide, freelance
Audio Engineering, since 2011.

Following conception "Bassic Instinct" has built up a dedicated client base as the trading name of myself, Thomas Woolsey, leading to a solid reputation and experience within the industry in a vast array of environments.


Services provided range from the System Design and Implementation of large scale sound systems, to Front of House or Monitor Mixing, all the way to stage and RF Technician duities. This can include the development and management of bespoke projects and the running teams of audio crew.


Besides a strong work ethic and passionate drive I am an easy going individual with an aim to make everyone's day as smooth and pain free as possible.


If you have a project you feel you would like me involved with, or just to touch base and put a face to a name, please feel free to contact me or browse the other pages for more information on a particular service or my skill set.


"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."

Émile Zola

©2011-2024 BassicInstinct

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